One of my earliest cases (podcast France Info). I was fortunate that the investigators and the magistrate trusted me as a young expert in a discipline that was brand new in France, BPA This case left a deep impression on me. It enabled me to grasp the trust that the...
Half-year review
With the summer break just around the corner, it's time to take stock of half a year's work before taking a break for a month. 46 expert commission orders and requisitions representing 64 actions, i.e. 23 #BPA, 12 reconstructions, 11 compatibility studies, 9 3D...
20 years of BPA !!!
On August 16, 2019, it will be 20 years since I discovered Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. If it does not rejuvenate me, it allows me to see all the progress that has been made. From a stammering discipline, it is today known and even recognized by the magistrates. In...
First use of Virtual Reality for Justice
Reconstitution of facts using the modeled place because the real no longer exists. The term "virtual reality" (or immersive multimedia or computer simulated reality) refers to a computer technology that simulates the physical presence of a user in an artificially...
I am very proud to announce the release of my book edited by Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. The book lists the tools, information and methods to perform a BPA objectively. An atlas and a key of identifications are even presented. Laboratory of...
French-speaking days of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
May 27th, 28th and the morning of 29th, 2019, the French Days of the BPA are organized in Marseille, at Fort Saint Nicolas by Philippe Esperança. During five half-days, the discipline will be approached from different angles to provoke exchanges with the audience.
Testimony in front of the Palm Beach Court (Florida – US)
In the Scandirito Jr. case, charged with murdering his father, the Boca Raton Police Department conducted a detection of latent bloodstains at the home of the suspect. Bluestar Forensic® showed different chemiluminescent sites. These positive reactions are undermined...